
Since our programs are authorized by the State and Federal Government, districts may wish to use funds from Title I, (Disadvantaged Learners), Title II, Part A (Professional Development), or Title III (English Learners). 

Partial scholarships are available for teachers unable to secure funds through their schools or districts. Please contact the site at, by phone at 818.620.1176 for further information.

Units may be purchased through Stanford University for courses linked to our programs. The current fee is $100 per course, irrespective of the number of units. One unit is awarded for every ten hours of instruction.


Program Offerings 2024-2025

Credit card payment, purchase order, or Intent to Pay Form signed by a school administrator must be received before the start of the program.


online programs


in-person programs


hybrid programs

07- Exploring the Communicative Modes (Cancelled)
Dec 7- Feb 22 - Mar 22 - April 26 Online: Jan 25

08- Charting the Course: Thematic-Based Instruction for Spanish Speakers Courses
Dec 7- Apr 26 Online: Jan 25- Feb 22- Mar 15

Project-Based Learning in the Dual Language Classroom


Expect the launch of these online programs:

  • Standards-Based Practices for Teachers of Hebrew

  • Standards-Based Practices for Teachers of Korean and Korean Speakers

  • Performance - Based Assessment in the World Language Classroom

  • Building the Global Competence of World Language Learners

  • Teaching World Languages with a Social Justice Lens

  • Building Intercultural Communicative Competence

  • Standards-Based Unit Design for Teachers of World Languages

  • Standards-Based Unit Design for Teachers of Spanish Speakers

  • National Board Certification: World Languages and English as a New Language