Assessing Student progress and performance Online

When assessing students online, it is difficult to determine whether they are completing the assessment without assistance. When assessing authentic performance or products, look for evidence of student performance (communicative/cultural skills and accuracy) that represents typical levels of achievement or performance for the student.
While there may be a wide variety of tools available, those presented in this section of the website are readily available, free or reasonably priced, easy to use, and effectively support standards-based instruction. To avoid overwhelming site visitors, not every tool is listed. Teachers must follow school policies for acceptable use of technology when selecting online tools.
Tools for Online Assessment
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits effort, progress, and achievement of specified goals and language learning outcomes. An ePortfolio is a digital collection of that evidence.
Digital or ePortfolios serve as tools for both formative and summative assessment.
LinguaFolio is an e-portfolio designed around the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements. Students submit evidence of performance matching targeted Can-Do Statements.
Intro to LinguaFolio (video)
Preparing to Implement LinguaFolio (written)
Tools for Assessing Interpretive Skills*
All tools included in this section provide a platform for the practice and assessment of interpretive skills.
*To explore more assessment tools for this mode, teachers may wish to explore Nicole Naditz’s matrix of formative assessment tools.
Tools for Assessing Interpersonal and Presentational Speaking and Signing*
All tools included in this section provide a platform for the practice and assessment of interpersonal and presentational speaking and signing.
*To explore more assessment tools for this mode, teachers may wish to explore Nicole Naditz’s matrix of formative assessment tools.
Tools for Assessing Interpersonal and Presentational Writing*
Each tool included in this section provides a platform for the practice and assessment of interpersonal and presentational writing. Additional tools can be found in an LMS or web conferencing platform, such as chat features and discussion boards.
*To explore more assessment tools for this mode, teachers may wish to explore Nicole Naditz’s matrix of formative assessment tools.
For more information on assessment tools, teachers may explore the information in the article, Snapshots Of Understanding? 10 Smart Tools For Digital Exit Slips, from teachthought.
Page created by: Tonja Byrom, Iman A.K. Hashem, Svetlana J. Lazarova, Valerie Sun, Brandon Zaslow